Nursing is my second career. I’m also childfree with no qualms about moving around and exploring my options so it’s been kinda freaking great.
There’s lots of stress sometimes, but also tons of downtime. So my job won’t give me time off? Neat. How about I travel to Asia for a month, eat my body weight in dumplings, and get hired immediately when I return somewhere else? It’s a golden ticket in a lot of ways.
I think having a family and feeling rooted to one location would make this job immeasurably harder. I feel for those who can’t leave low paying work/toxic environments because of various life factors. That does suck, and I don’t blame yall one bit for being burnt out as fuck.
But for myself the flexibly, ability to work nearly anywhere in the US, work in other countries, travel anywhere on my off time, and try out different specialties? It’s my jam. It still blows my mind we even have a per diem option.
The flexibility of nursing exists in very, very few other careers. So while I understand why it’s a pain in the ass for some, depending on your lifestyle it can be a pretty great option.